Restore32 Dental Practice, 1 Howard Street, Fishergate, Fulford Road, York YO10 4BQ

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Dental implants

Dental treatments

Dental implants

What is a dental implant exactly?

Dental implants are one way of replacing missing teeth, either single teeth or many. They are not removable but fixed into the gum and bone providing the nearest thing to your own natural tooth again.

The implant itself is a small metal screw (made of titanium), which is carefully placed in your jaw. Though there are surgical procedures to undergo, almost all our patients report that this is no different from having routine dental treatment under local anaesthetic (after being numbed up).

How do I know if I can have dental implants?

Almost everyone can have dental implants but smokers and some chronic diseases such as diabetes or osteoporosis can complicate the procedure or reduce the otherwise excellent success rate. Thorough pre-operative assessment needs to ensure enough bone  of sufficient quality is present in the right places to allow implant placement in a good position. However, if your bone quality if poor, in most cases this can be dealt with by bone grafting or augmentation. You will have a chance to discuss any questions you may have at your consultation.

Why should I consider dental implants?

There are a lot of reasons why people may elect to have dental implants, some common reasons are:

  • If you have missing teeth and are unwilling or unable to tolerate dentures
  • If you have suffered an accident and damaged / broken some of your teeth.
  • If all your permanent teeth didn’t come through leaving gaps
  • If you wear dentures and find that they are getting too loose to eat and chew

What should I expect if I decide to go ahead?

You will have a detailed consultation with our in house specialist. Following this, you will receive a comprehensive written treatment plan with specific advice tailored to your needs. You will get a clear idea of your duration of treatment and anticipated complications (if any). You will also receive a detailed estimate of your anticipated treatment cost.

On the day of the surgery, we take a lot of care to prepare a sterile environment before starting. This involves placing a sterile sheet on top of your clothes with the dentist and nurse wearing sterile gowns and gloves. This may remind you videos of surgical procedures you may have seen on TV.

After you are profoundly numb (with local anaesthetic injections), a small cut (usually less than 1-2 cm) is made in your gum and small hole is drilled in your jaw. After this the titanium implant inserted into your jaw. The gum is then stitched and left to heal while the bone grows around the implant, making it secure. After a suitable period of time (often 3-12 months), dental impressions are taken and the replacement tooth / teeth are made and fit in place.

What will happen after the procedure

It is normal to expect minor discomfort and swelling for up to 48 hours after the surgery. Normal painkillers such as Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen can be used to make your recovery more comfortable. The use of an ice pack on the day of the surgery will help minimize any swelling.

Occasionally, some people may develop a bruise or require antibiotics for an infection. Fortunately, this is quite rare.

After the procedure, it is absolutely essential to maintain good mouth hygiene and visit your Dentist and Hygienist regularly.

Please visit our FAQs page for further information

Why should I choose to have this done at Restore32 Dental Practice?

We have been a private dental practice for almost 30 years and have provided exceptionally high-quality dentistry and individualized patient care from the outset.

We have highly-trained specialists and general dentists, who between them, can cover all aspects of dental care you may need. Our dentists are well-known and respected clinicians and are at the forefront of their field. They are recognized trainers and devote a significant part of their time training dentists and specialists in Yorkshire and beyond.

We pride ourselves in getting to know all of our patients individually and have a warm, welcome, relaxed environment that makes you feel completely at home.

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What people say

Our testimonials

"Before having the guard I had constant neck, jaw and temple pain. Daily headaches and pressure around my head that was just getting worse. I could feel every tooth in my mouth was sore, they always felt sensitive and inflamed. Since using the guard I can put my teeth together with ease, even with an amount of pressure. Even when my jaw clicks it's much less frequent and painful, and I can open my mouth pain free. My jaw just feels so nice and relaxed wearing the guard."


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