Restore32 Dental Practice, 1 Howard Street, Fishergate, Fulford Road, York YO10 4BQ

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About us

Meet the team

We are a small but dedicated team whose priority is to ensure that all our patients receive the best possible treatment and care.

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Dental treatments

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From the moment you first contact us, we will do our utmost to make the experience as pleasant as a trip to the dentist ever could be!

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Dentist referrals

Restore32 Dental Practice is happy to receive referrals for treatments or provide second opinions for patients with occlusal problems or difficulties.

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Our philosophy

We are a family run dental practice, providing high quality care since 1989. We provide a wide range of specialist dental services under one roof, never losing sight of making sure that the care we provide is personalised to your needs. We believe in prevention and holistic care. Our ethos is to treat our patients like we would want to be treated ourselves. We will always make you feel welcome and work with you to achieve optimal long term oral health.

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Dental treatments

A selection of dental treatments available

Dental implants

Dental implants are one way of replacing missing teeth, either single teeth or many.

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Cosmetic dentistry

Many treatments are available today with the sole objective being improving the appearance of your smile.

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Routine dental care

Regular review and maintenance care is fundamental to keeping your mouth healthy.

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What people say

Our testimonials

"Before having the guard I had constant neck, jaw and temple pain. Daily headaches and pressure around my head that was just getting worse. I could feel every tooth in my mouth was sore, they always felt sensitive and inflamed. Since using the guard I can put my teeth together with ease, even with an amount of pressure. Even when my jaw clicks it's much less frequent and painful, and I can open my mouth pain free. My jaw just feels so nice and relaxed wearing the guard."


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